Coin Machine
Industries Association
of Massachusettts
of Massachusettts
CMIA - Dedicated to the success of our members
Welcome to the Coin Machine Industries Association of Massachusetts “CMIA”. CMIA is a non-profit organization of operators, distributors and manufacturers who share the common goal of promotion and survival of the coin-operated machine industry in Massachusetts. CMIA monitors and addresses issues that affect amusement games in several areas, such as the State Legislature, courts, regulations such as the State Police and the Massachusetts Gaming Commission. These impacts can either be of a positive or adverse nature. One very important issue we dealt successfully with in recent years is strong advocacy and eventual repeal of Sunday license fees, which continues to save members thousands of dollars.
The businesses that make up the organization are from various levels of the industry, specifically operators, distributors, manufacturers and suppliers of various items and services that are essential to the industry.
CMIA helps its members remain competitive and successful in a rapidly changing environment.
Benefits of Membership:
Our membership is comprised of the best the industry has to offer. Our goal is to pull the industry together, enhance and expand opportunities, and to strive towards legislative and regulatory efforts for fairness in the marketplace.
Strong Advocacy for our members in government affairs by actively tracking, introducing and promoting legislation affecting the coin operated amusement industry.
When appropriate, the association initiates grass roots campaigns to support or oppose specific legislation or regulations.
CMIA continues to monitor and participate in the rule making process. By keeping the industry informed of proposed rules, we are able to obtain input from our members and take that information back to the regulators so that fair regulation can be adopted.
CMIA acts as a clearing house for state information pertaining to the coin-op industry. CMIA keeps track of legislation, technology, industry trends and businesses and organizations that affect our industry and our goals.
Quarterly Newsletters with updates of the latest developments that affect the coin operated industry, allowing for your input in the process.